
小學五年級英語課件:Unit 2. My Days of the Week

類別:英語課件 更新時間:2014年04月11日 22:02:41

  1.Emotion goal: Talking about your days of the week

  2.Knowledge goal: a. Master the new words and the drills of this unit

  b. Know the pronunciation of some letters

  c. Understanding of the dialogue in Read and Write part.

  3.Ability goal: Can use the new word to talk about your days of the week

  Can sing the song My Days of the Week

  總共3個PPT課件 包含配音,下載后有配套教案,請往下拉點擊下方按鈕進行下載。

Unit 2. My Days of the Week

Unit 2. My Days of the Week

Unit 2. My Days of the Week

Unit 2. My Days of the Week

類別:英語課件 更新時間:2014年04月11日
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